Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Sick, but posting (don't expect much)

First it's just life getting busy. Then it's the holidays. Now I'm sick.

I was not destined to be a daily blogger apparently. Ah well. Isn't it the thought that counts?

This is a quick touch base because I really want to go back to bed and drink more hot tea - not necessarily in that order.

Well, after the last post it went back and stayed at 218 for a bit but I kept at it of course. I took a day off on Thanksgiving. Figured how could I possibly track all that home cooked food? I even ate a Happy Meal for lunch that day. What a rebel.

Today is my second day in a row at 214 which is wonderful - but part of me says it isn't real as I've been sick and just not as hungry as I might have been. The old rule was, 2 days in a row = the weight is real, so I'm going with it.

Haven't exercised in heavens knows how long. Sure, I've walked around the malls and been more active in some daily ways - but nothing as solid as going to the gym. The Girlfriend and I were talking just the other day and I said that at this rate we might as well just buy a treadmill because at $55 a month we could have bought one by now and hopefully we would have used it more if it was in the house. But I really did love that Pilates class. And I really do like going to the gym. Oh well. For today I'm not going because I'm sick. If excuses keep outnumbering my gym days, I may have to re-think that membership.

My biggest news? I'm eating carrots. Not right now, but I'm eating them on a regular basis. Cold with dinner. Chopped in salads. Shredded in sandwiches. I'm shocked. I never thought I'd do that. And I have a feeling that's just an "entry" veggie. Today I chopped up some celery, onion and apple into my chicken salad. Yesterday I bought jicama to put into my salad some time this week. It may be a slow process to bring veggies back into regular circulation - but as with everything else here I know baby steps will get me a lot farther than doing nothing had ever done for me!

One calorie. One work out. One veggie. One post. One step at a time.

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