Friday, November 2, 2007

Dia de los Challenge!

Yesterday, I accepted a challenge to write an entry every day. It wasn't even my challenge, and I took it anyway.

Yesterday there was also a posting in a group I'm a part of on TDP that issued a challenge. A much more important challenge. I thought about it ALL day. As of today, I've officially accepted. The goal is to be UNDER 200 lbs by the end of the year.

This is going to be freakishly hard. 20 lbs in 2 months may not seem like an outrageous amount to some folks but I honestly can not remember the last time I was under 200. I am pretty sure it happened when I lived in my apartment - but as that was 7 years of time, it doesn't exactly narrow things down TOO much. Some time between 23 and 30 - but I know it wasn't near the latter end. I'd guess 25ish. But I'm just not sure at all.

No matter how hard it seems though - I am amazed at the idea that I could be celebrating the new year at under 200! I tried to get The Girlfriend to get pumped about it. But Law and Order was on so I was just some pest interrupting her TV QT. She eventually said something like "I'm already trying to do that. So, sure, whatever you have to do." So...yea... she's pumped.

As a side note - what's up w/ me accepting challenges? That is SO not who I used to be!

Oh - and for those of you playing along at home - yes, I've lost some more weight. I'm at 220. The heavens didn't open or anything, in fact I've been popping back and forth a bit around there the last week. But I think it's here to stay now.

Now I just need for it to go - with 20 more of it's friends. :)

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