Monday, January 30, 2017

That kind of friend

Did you ever have one of those friends that only wanted to chat with you when things were going well in their lives? You heard all about the new car, the kid on honor roll, when they were ready for a night out at the club in their new outfit, or whatever it might have been for them? And yet - then went radio silent for weeks or months at a time and then you later find out that the car got repossessed or the kid was in a fight at school, or they got a DUI? Well, in my own way, it appears that I've been one of those friends. If I couldn't say something nice, I guess I wouldn't say anything at all. It's been a long time. I took a moment to look back and after starting this in 2007, I posted pretty consistently (here and there) until January 2010. There were two vaguely contemplated posts in 2012, but pretty much it's been 7 years. It wasn't the 7 year itch that brought me back though - it was the 7 year fat. I'm keeping this short would be far too easy to write a mini-essay on the wrong directions taken in the past that have led me to where I am today. So here's the skinny. Or not so skinny... a) My weight is higher than when I started this blog 10 years ago. b) We're back to throwing away more fresh fruit/vegetables than we're eating. So I've largely stopped buying them. c) I've gone from being the "Recycling Nazi", where no one would dare put the wrong thing in the trash vs. recycling can to someone who practically gets scolded when I take empty water bottles out of the trash to put into the recycle bin. d) Tonight, The Wife and I are going to join a gym. Having this blog as an outlet really helped me long ago. Rather that abandon it all and start something new, I will admit to all the skeletons in my closet and the missed opportunities. I know blogs aren't "cool" anymore for many folks, but ya know what, I never said I wanted to be cool. Just healthy. Let's go.