Saturday, November 3, 2007

Death by embarrasment

I think I may have mortally embarrassed The Girlfriend today.

We went to dinner, and while I chose one of the best places in the area - I knew that evil calories and sodium lurked behind every innocent chicken breast and lettuce leaf. So I did what any responsible dieter would do. I asked to see the restaurant's nutritional information guide.

It was almost a fatal blow. She tried to convince me it wasn't necessary. She did the hand over the eyes "you can't see me" move to the waiter. It wasn't pretty.

A few moments later when our server returned with a 3 inch binder filled with nutritional information he cautioned, "It's not good. You won't like anything you see here. You might not even want to look before you order." Kinda ruins the whole thing then, doesn't it?

So, turns out I'd picked the best item on the menu before I even got the nutritional info. After the pat on my back - I was overwhelmed by the sodium content. Over 2K mg's for chicken tacos?? Are these things brined before they're cooked? I don't get it. It's insane. 5 gigantic glasses of water later (ok, 3) I was hoping I'd helped to even the score, yet privately knew it wasn't true. I still needed to make up for the half of a smoked turkey leg from the State Fair last night. Not pretty. But darn tasty - and better than the Fry Bread taco I really really wanted. Much better.

3 days in a row huh? I think I'm impressed with myself. And not just for the blogging.


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