Thursday, August 23, 2007

Too fat for advice?

After looking at several different web resources, trying to look at options for "diets" and general health plans, I stumbled upon an article that mentioned the United States Department of Agriculture had changed the whole Food Pyramid thing into something that could be personalized for you. It's called MyPyramid. So, I go there. Here's what it says

"MyPyramid Plan offers you a personal eating plan with the foods and amounts that are right for you. Click on the MyPyramid Plan box to get started." (color emphasis mine)

Figure I'd give it a shot.

So I enter all my information even the optional stuff -

Weight (Optional)
Height (Optional)
Physical activity level (3 options under 30, 30-60 or over 60 min a day)

And this is what I get back. (Click to be able to read clearly)

We're sorry. We can't tell you what you should be eating. Because you are too fat. And then the greatest insult - Would you like to see what a NORMAL person of your age, sex and height should be eating???

Seriously - I want to hurt someone. Some naturally skinny person who wrote this because they don't think fat folks would care about their health enough to know what they should be eating.


I think I have a new level of hatred for Mr Food Pyramid.

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