Monday, August 27, 2007

Dangling ideas

They made a fuel cell car go over 200 mph. I should be excited I know. Part of me is happy. But most likely when one of these suckers does come on the market I won't be able to afford it anyhow, much like the current Prius of my dreams. And then it's just dangling out there.

Speaking of dangling...

I was told I'll get all the stuff for working from home this Thursday and I'll set it all up at home on Friday. Again, I see the string attached to this carrot so I'm not holding my breath - but MAN I sure am looking forward to it!

And just to tie up any loose ends - the scale lied. I must have had a sleepy hand on the counter or something. In good news, I've been having some good chats with The Girlfriend and I think I have her convinced to start being healthy in our "home eating" shortly. Fingers crossed...

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