Wednesday, August 22, 2007

The impossible 2

How much blog-space has been filled by girls chatting about that special visit from Aunt Flo? Too much I'm sure. That said....

So today I was feeling a bit like a pain filled balloon about to burst when one of those negative thoughts passed my brain. "Wonder how much fatter you are now with all this 'stuff' in here?" And since I was, conveniently, walking past the scale, I gave in. How much fatter would I be?

230???? Is it broken??? How could I weigh 2 pounds less right now than I did a few weeks ago? I've been eating fast food. I know I haven't been drinking enough water. I haven't gone to the gym. The night before for dinner I had a Quesadilla - and then a small bowl of ice cream for dessert. How did I lose 2lbs. ???

Well, I knew that I needed to get things back in line. I've already been starting to get things "in order" at my house via organizing kitchen cabinets and such. This always happens before I start eating well. Healthy nesting instinct. I think I should take this as motivation. If I can somehow magically lose 2lbs when practicing bad habits, maybe some of their friends will go join them when I start back on some of the good habits? It's a nice idea. Guess we'll have to wait and see.

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