Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Heck of a day 1

I had such great plans. Go home from work. Healthy dinner of grilled meat tacos with lots of veggies followed up by a quick trip to the YMCA for a good 45 minutes of cardio.

And then life happened. It happened ALL over my night. I didn't leave work until 7 when I normally get out at 5. I was SO hungry since I hadn't eaten since 11:30. K was curled up in a ball on our sofa with cramps which meant both that she had no interest in going to the gym and she wanted some comfort food. So my night became Drive through at KFC, Boneless chicken wings, fries and a root beer for dinner. And watching 3 hour long shows from our DVR.

What the heck happened? I found myself thinking about that as I was in line at KFC. I had such plans. Unhealthy dinner followed by almost 3 hours (we fast-forward commercials of course) of sitting on the sofa. I did sit on the floor and stretch for awhile. But nothing big.

Positive thoughts and Lessons for the day? Of 3 meals, only 1 was unhealthy. Actually ate 3 meals and 1 healthy snack. Not too bad. I didn't eat late at night. I brought home my tuna can, salad container, yogurt container and 2 paper bags from things I did/ate at work to go into my recycle can.

How can I be better? I need to find healthier options at our favorite food places because if I'm going to give in to temptation, at least it should be for the lesser of all evils on the menu. I need to find things I can do, by myself, at the house to work out. Try to find those old work out videos or decide if I feel comfortable walking around the neighborhood alone.

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