Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Fast Food, Fast Fat

I ate McDonald's today.

McDonald's isn't good for the environment. McDonald's isn't good for me. McDonald's didn't even taste that great. But McDonald's was there when I was rushed and had no time left and had to get back to the office. And I really really wanted a big super cold Coke. With a McDonald's sized straw. Phoenix in June. It's hot. These are not excuses. I could have at least gotten a salad - but I got a Fish. I decided to see just how bad I'd been.

So, based on the lovely McDonald's Nutritional Facts I realized that I just ate about 1260 calories of which 48 grams were fat. How is that even possible? I was still a bit hungry afterwards. Not that I finished the fries, but somehow I don't think that will make enough of a difference. I just can't do that anymore. Even when it's hot. Even when I have a craving. That is just insane. When did it become ok to have that many calories in one meal??? And not even a fancy meal! And not even including dessert!

Fast food scares me.

Tomorrow I'm thinking spinach salad for lunch. Brought from home.

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