Thursday, June 14, 2007

Green Drinking - Trend sweeping the nation!

I think we should call the practice of having a Designated Driver - "Green Drinking" because after all - it means you are going to carpool. And doesn't it sound more fun? Designated driver sounds so... clinical. Or something your mom would say. But if a group of friends said they were going to go out for a round of Green Drinking that sounds fun! Ideally, they drive the car with the best MPG that fits them all. Less gas, more fun, more laughing with your friends, less risk. Who doesn't love this?

You see, I'm generally the Designated Driver - like to call it the "Double D". I'm happy to be the DD at any time. But others aren't so fond of it. I wonder how much is the "not drinking" part and how much is that awful name.

Green Drinking is the trend of the future. I think I'll start using it tonight.

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