Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Canada is my not-so-secret BFF

One more reason to move to Canada!

Free health care, equal rights, and now this! A Canadian Premier has said that to save energy this summer, businesses should keep it at 79F vs the 73F where it normally rests during the summer. While 79 is certainly comfortable enough - it's not very comfortable when you're wearing a suit so he's suggesting that everyone dress in a cool, comfortable and CASUAL manner! No heels??? No suits with matching purses and shoes and scarves? WOO HOO!

I have a strong opinion on this for several reasons.

1. How awesome is it to put on clothes that actually fit for the weather and not for how cold it's going to be in the office! This would also save energy as most folks end up wearing 2 outfits a day - work and home. Less clothes getting worn, less clothing to be washed! For folks "going out" right after work you either have to bring clothes with you to get wrinkled under your desk or you have to go home to change. Which does what - oh yea - wastes gas.

2. I happen to work in an office that tries to keep it at 73F. Every once in awhile I can get it down to 76F, but that is on a lucky day. Most of the time - I'm wearing a jacket. A jacket. In Phoenix. In June. Why should businesses be wasting that kind of money on AC? How about putting that money towards the rising costs of health care? Or maybe into a profit sharing program?

3. Let's admit it. It's summer vacation. Half the folks in the office are talking about what they are going to do on vacation or what they did on vacation. Or they're talking about what they wish they were doing on vacation. The other folks don't have anywhere to go, don't have any money or don't have any time off left after spring break. We know it's summer at the office - why not look like it? Do my shorts offend your eyes? I didn't think so. Let's go with it!

In the mean time I'll be driving in the heat, in heels and a suit, to a super cold office - unable to even telecommute. Come on American politicians! Get inspired! Steal some great ideas from your own back yard! We can do it!!!

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