Thursday, March 12, 2009

Leaping back, crawling forward

2.5 Weeks traveling in a foreign country known for a love of fried foods and pork + Period = 202.4


Want to die. Too many of my clothes just don't fit the way they did. I just feeeeeeeel fat.

Amazing what 10 lbs can do! I felt darn near skinny at 192. But now it's more like fat-fat the water rat. (Does anyone else remember Ritchie Cunningham calling his wife that?) I've been working there 6 months and have basically gained 10 lbs back. That is NOT good!

I'm back at work in the states now but working extra hard to not over work. (Working hard to not over work? Logic that only an over worker can understand...) Making myself come home at a semi-decent hour even if I'm just jumping back online shortly thereafter. The Girlfriend is saying that it's 100% healthy from here on out and is promising to do better with what she cooks as she knows I don't have the time to do the "healthy cooking" anymore after we go shopping this weekend. Fingers crossed. Dinner last night was basically nachos (She calls it Taco Salad, but there are no vegetables...) and lunch today was chocolate cake from a work birthday. I gave in because a) It was chocolate raspberry cake from AJ's and b) I was out of frozen lunches and the cake looked better than the can of soup. It has to go uphill from there, right?

The goal by end of weekend is to buy good healthy food and do at least one active thing. As I used to say when starting this whole thing off - baby steps.

Why is it the steps backward seem so much larger than the steps forward? Oh well. It all starts with the first steps...

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