Sunday, March 2, 2008

Shifting gears

Time flies without a computer.

In my new job I'm not allowed online. No IM. No email. Nothing personal. Certainly no tracking the food I eat. I'm allowed to google directions for customers - but that's about it. And of course, at home this computer is shared between 3 of us so access isn't unlimited. And let's be honest - those healthy meals aren't going to cook themselves, so pretty much I am lucky to get 30 min of internet time a day on average. I went from checking 3 email accounts several times a day, to being lucky if I checked 1-2 of them at least once a week. It's killing me slowly - but I know it's better than being bored out of my mind with nothing but time to kill at a job with an ax hanging over my head. Long term employment is always the better option.

Quick overview. Being sick sucked. I ate nothing. I tracked every day and there were many days that I barely at 600 calories. After about 2 weeks of that, I moved up to 1100 - 1300 a day and actually gained 2 lbs. Pissed me off. So I decided to do a "reset" weekend. Let myself eat some of the things I'd wanted. Go to the restaurants I've dreamed of going to, but of course wouldn't have nutritional info. Only did that for a weekend. By that Monday I was 202. Eeek! But then I went back to healthy all that week and by Friday I was 198 again. Until... I got a rare opportunity to go out w/ a friend to a funky restaurant for dinner, and then another spot for dessert, and then another spot for a cocktail. How could I say no? So I didn't. That was last Friday, and as of today I'm 200 again. Sigh....

As for the gym, I haven't gone since being laid off. I should have gone since I had all that time, but I had too much stress. I would have felt guilty for taking the time at the gym when I could have been hunting for jobs. Now with the new job I haven't fallen quite into the pattern of going. And it's now much more out of the way. Hoping we can get into a new pattern of going in the next week or two. Ok - hope sounds nice, but action gets you there. I'm going to say that within 2 weeks I will be going to the gym again at least 2 times a week. I think that's a good plan.

Now if I only had a plan for how to spend more time online...


cheapblueguitar said...

Am I allowed to comment now or is this blog still a secret?

Being away from The Internets® isn't necessarily a bad thing. Of course, I think I would get the shakes if I didn't have it.

PS - I'm super proud of you and your quest to live healthy.

Kristin said...

Awww... thanks!

My lack of internet access may make my posts a bit mushroomish (small, dark and close to crap) to be out basking in the sun of internets publicity, but it's officially not a secret.