Monday, February 18, 2008

No longer unemployed but...

I have a job. I start in 2 days.

I have nothing to wear.

I know this sounds like the normal "girly" thing, but after losing (as of today) 37 pounds, most everything is loose AND since all 3 of the folks who interviewed me were wearing jeans I know that most of my office wear would be completely out of place. I have 1 pair of jeans that fit. Everything else I've bought at this size is office wear.

While this is a nicer problem to have than outgrowing all my clothes, those same first impression rules still apply. I'm sure I'll be able to throw together at least a week of outfits. Hopefully no one will care if I'm a smidge over dressed...

On a different note - I just noticed that it's 1:39pm and I still haven't eaten anything or had a glass of water. I've been kinda bad the last week or so. I try to be better, but with being sick (Soooo sick since Tuesday...) I don't want to eat anything. I'm not hungry and plain water kinda makes me sick. I'm going to go make myself eat something healthy, but I can't promise that I'll like it. I know I have to keep eating if I want to lose more. Bizarre as that would have sounded to me not so long ago, I understand why it's true.

PS. The Girlfriend said she's going to start tracking her food today on The Daily Plate. She decided to do it once I broke the 200 mark. But then gave herself a free week. A last hurrah. We'll see if it actually happens. I won't push as this has to be something she chooses to do for herself. Fingers crossed.

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