Monday, March 10, 2008

I could have had a V8 - and a nap

I'm missing 3 things in my life: Fruit, Veggies and Sleep.

Breakfast is a bar on the way in to work about 6:15am. Lunch is something frozen from a box - if I'm lucky enough to get a lunch. Dinner is whatever I have the strength to throw together when I'm often not getting home until 7:30 at night. And I try to be in bed by 10, and sleeping by 10:30. It's 10:58 and I'm still fully dressed and on the computer. Then again, I didn't get home until 8:15, dinner wasn't until 9pm. Is it wrong that I didn't want to go right to bed? I don't think so. When my alarm goes off at 4:45am, I may change my mind.

I've tried a few times to bring fruit to work. Doesn't work really well. I'm thinking I need to change tactics. Maybe a bowl of grapes? One bite at a time vs. the commitment of a rapidly browning apple as I'm on the phone with an upset client. It's not a bad idea, but considering it took me almost 20 minutes to crack open a yogurt that had been sitting just inches from me at my desk doesn't make me to hopeful. But I've got to try something as I know it's my biggest fault. Fiber has started slacking too - but the Kashi TLC bar each morning helps. I'm not where I was, but I'm doing SO much better than I could be doing, and I have to appreciate that.

I'm back to 196 officially. Very happy about that. I keep thinking about what I'm not doing, not getting, not living up to - but I have to remember it's a long process, and this is a bumpy part of the road. I need to be excited that I'm still ON the road - not complain about how I'm getting there.

On a lighter note...

This little blog post will be dedicated to The Aunt. Yes, to The Aunt who can't say "healthy food" or "organic" without making a face like she sucked on a lemon. To The Aunt who thinks I'm kinda funny because I care what goes in the recycle container. The Aunt who has lived with us for over a year now. Officially as of today The Aunt found a place to live. She moves in the first weekend in April. We have loved her living with us, and truly have no major complaints. But it will be nice to have the house to ourselves again. And nice to have her stop buying ice cream and toppings - encouraging us to join her for "Sundae Sundays".

Here's to you.

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