Friday, January 25, 2008

Scraping the work out barrel

I was excited to go home yesterday and do a Pilates DVD I'd gotten myself last Christmas and still never used. So I go home, take it out of the plastic (so sad) and pop it in the DVD player.

It errored out.

The Girlfriend pulls it out and come to find out there is a 1 inch by 2 inch chunk of silver backing completely missing on the back of the DVD. Crap! I didn't go to the gym because I was planning to do that DVD. I've already eaten, it's late, it's cold outside....then it hits me.

I go over to a cabinet I never even open. Pull out a VHS Tape that hasn't seen the light of day in several years. And pop it in the machine.

Yes, I did (almost) the full 45 minute work out with Susan Powter from her Stop the Insanity days.

Oh yea, I read the whole book. I really liked it too. Not like I did anything with it. And that tape kicked my butt every time I did it - when I weighed quite a bit less.

And you know what? I think I'll do it again. I was feeling it. I was working it. And was focused on my form, my breathing and my modification. (Only if you remember the tape would that mean anything to ya...)

I looked up Susan Powter today. She took some time off to raise the kids but she's back now doing new video blogs and focusing on Yoga. She's turning 50 this year and looks awesome.

Speaking of working out, we're going for our Fit start assessment at the Y tonight. I'm hoping to learn some of the machines so I can diversify a bit more. Should be a good time.

Ah well... Gotta go fill up my water glass and get back to work...

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