Tuesday, September 25, 2007

If you can't say something nice...

You know that saying, right? If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all? I think all that good upbringing has had a serious impact on my blogging. I just don't have anything nice to say.

Healthy Home? Not quite. We still haven't replaced all the light bulbs - even though the new good ones were purchased months ago. We keep saying we should. But we don't. Oh yea, and all those awesome Method products I bought have been replaced by Windex, 409 and whatever else is available at the dollar store. Cheaper yes, but I'm willing to pay more for security.

Healthy Body? Haven't been to the gym in about 2 months. I've totally gone back to fast food - though only for breakfast regularly. Last week I had terrific back pain that came in spasms and lasted for about 5 days. I still have no health insurance so it was just me, ibuprofen and a vibrating back massager to try to make it go away.

Healthier environment? The carrot was pulled away immediately after it was given. Now it's a "Maybe 1 day a week or so - but only on permission" kind of a thing. So far I've gotten that permission once. I think that was when I stopped having anything nice to say.

So where am I now? Kinda pissed. Kinda lost. I decided I needed to start with little things.

First thing I did was sign up for cake decorating classes. I know, I know - not healthy. But it makes me happy. And I can use a little happy. It's also 4 weeks of Saturdays where we have to get out of the house by 9am. I'm hoping that can help out on some weekend time management.

I AM going back to the gym. We've been focusing on the house too much for my tastes. Yes, it's nice and clean now, but I have to make me the priority again. I'm going to put the gym bag in the car tomorrow.

I need to buy some skim milk for work and keep cereal and a bowl there. I have just gotten so sick of the oatmeal I could hardly eat it - I need something new for awhile.

What else? No idea. Making this up as I go along. So, I'm sorry I didn't have too many nice things to say, but I promise I'm working to change it.

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