Thursday, July 19, 2007

Time for a gameplan

I am in search of a plan.

I think the theory of do "better generally speaking" just isn't working for me. I want it to but I just can't commit to myself the way I should. Someone else - sure. Me? Heck no. I've gotten a bit better but we still haven't made it to the gym. I really thought we would the other night but then I got this bizarre pinched nerve from by wrist, up my arm and down my back. Not pretty at all. Couldn't deal with that and be on the treadmill. Sounds like an excuse - but it was really awful. Mind you - I most likely only have these bizarre pains because I'm too fat in the first place. Ok - that was a true but negative thought. I need to make myself think more positively. Funny (not funny "ha ha") how hard that can be!!!

So, I think I need to pick a "diet" to follow. Notice those quotes? Yea -it's like a bad word. Right now I'm leaning towards weight watchers because it seems like more of a healthy lifestyle change than some of the others. I have done Atkins in the past but could never stay on it longer than a few months. A friend of mine is doing South Beach which has some of the good aspects I liked about Atkins but you can have SO many more veggies which I think would be great. (Man I miss eating good veggies!) Then there is one out there about reprogramming your body that looks interesting (can't think of the name now) and one that I've only heard about but don't know the official name. I do know that when I read about the science behind that one, my interest was piqued. Something about the density of foods? Water content? I'll update when I learn more if it looks interesting. Heck, they all look interesting. Great marketing. But to find one that I think will both work for me AND will be one Kandy would be able to support (even if she wasn't 100% faithful) is going to require a bit more research.

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