Tuesday, April 7, 2009

1 weekend down, next weekend Easter

Not only have I made it through tracking my first full week - the important part there being the weekend, which I've struggled with - but The Girlfriend has ALSO started tracking on a daily basis. She's weighing food. She's looking up food online. She's entering new items on the website if things aren't listed. She read labels while shopping.

It's like I'm falling in love all over again. :)

If that wasn't enough - I'm losing weight like I just started a new diet. 8 pounds since March 30th. I'm only about 2 pounds from my prior low.

I have not lost sight of the fact that Easter is next weekend, and I leave for the Philippines the next week. I'm tracking through Easter and I think there is a scale in at least one of the gyms so I'm hoping to keep track of my progress. Knowing is 1/2 the battle, right? Hopefully those chocolate crosants will look a bit less interesting if I see I've gained a few pounds.

Already looking forward to coming home to see the progress of my tracking sweetie. :)

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